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Gyrostim: New Hope for Brain Healing

Brian Sass

Updated: Mar 19, 2023


In this blog, we will cover the topics of vestibular rehabilitation and its effectiveness in treating neurological symptoms.

Vestibular (inner ear) treatment can be performed many ways. Vestibular treatment generally involves three components; creating movement of the head and/or body, establishing a certain speed or velocity of that movement, and finally how long the movement lasts. Traditionally, vestibular treatment has been performed manually – where a person would move their own head or someone else would move their head for them. But this method has obvious limitations; a person is limited by how fast they can move their head, how long they can move their head (a head turn only takes seconds!), and the range of the head movement (directionality of the head movement is usually limited to left, right, up or down).

vestibular rehabilitation for dizziness and brain healing
The Gyrostim!

The Gyrostim provides a new way to perform vestibular rehabilitation. The Gyrostim is a multi-axis rotational chair – it can move in any direction, at any speed, for as long as we want. It is also important to note that the person does not have to coordinate any movement while in the Gyrostim; it can be used as a purely passive therapy where the therapy is not hindered by your own limitations. This creates near infinite possibilities for rehabilitation – once weakness of the vestibular system is found, the application of a highly customizable movement pattern to promote brain healing is possible.

Who can benefit from this type of vestibular training? People who experience any type of dizziness, including vertigo, motion sickness, nausea, balance issues, PPPD, Mal de Debarquement Syndrome, lightheadedness, fainting, and floating sensations usually see great benefit from this type of therapy. However, since the vestibular system influences many other regions in the brain, people with don’t have traditional dizziness symptoms can also greatly benefit; including symptoms of brain fog, light sensitivity, headache, cognitive decline, dysautonomia, visual symptoms, memory issues, emotional control issues, sleep difficulty, fatigue syndromes, neck stiffness/pain, anxiety, depression, chronic pain, rapid heart rate, chronic stress syndromes, tremors, and many others.

Our mission at Great Lakes Functional Neurology is to help you understand your injury and provide the correct treatment to get you back to normal, healthy living. We strive to equip you with the tools needed for your full brain recovery. If you would like to know more, or you know someone currently struggling with neurological symptoms, we would be happy to discuss this topic in more detail with you. You can reach out to us at and schedule a complimentary phone consultation with one of our doctors.


MEDICAL DISCLAIMER The content above is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of such advice or treatment from a personal physician. Great Lakes Functional Neurology does not take responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. We recommend readers that are taking prescription or over-the-counter medications consult their physicians before starting any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

1 Comment

Alyssa Carone
Alyssa Carone
Feb 03

Im wondering if they have access to the FMRI ?

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