Other Conditions We See
Many patients we see have diverse symptoms. They range from classic symptoms like post-stroke conditions and Parkinson's disease symptoms, to unexplained and difficult symptoms from post-COVID and post-surgical complications. If the patient is experiencing symptoms associated with neurological compromise, evaluation and further testing of the brain and its integrity is warranted. It all begins with the evaluation of the neurological system and its association with the other systems of the body.
Normal Test
Abnormal Test
There are many neurological symptoms that people experience from a variety of reasons. Below are common conditions and symptoms that patients may benefit from utilizing our testing methods and treatment applications:
Post-COVID Symptoms
Post-Viral Symptoms
Post-Surgical Symptoms
Tremor Disorders
Unexplained Fatigue
Loss of Motivation/Desire
Personality Changes
Extreme Anger/Sadness/Apathy
Cognitive Decline
Decreased Attention/Focus
Increased or Decreased Emotionality
Unresponsive to other Treatments
Unresponsive to Medications
Autoimmunity Conditions
Speech Disorders
Visual Disturbances
Psychological Conditions
Unrelenting/Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain
Hyperacusis/Hearing Changes
Light Sensitivity
Sound Sensitivity
Evaluation of
the Brain
During your 2 hour examination, our doctors will review relevant past medical history/imaging/blood work if necessary. You will be able to sit and talk directly with the doctor for a thorough history of your main complaints and symptoms. Our initial evaluation includes specific diagnostic testing, including a VNG assessment (real time digital eye recordings used to assess brain integrity), computerized dynamic posturography assessment (balance testing), saccadometry testing (targeted eye movement evaluation), and a head-to-toe neurological examination conducted by our doctors. A review of all relevant findings will be discussed with you after the testing is completed.
Common therapies performed in our office:
- Vestibular rehabilitation
- Neuromuscular rehabilitation
- Off-vertical axis full body rotations
- Eye- head movement retraining
- Balance retraining
- Gait retraining
- Neck Strengthening
- Peripheral nerve stimulation
- Otolothic Repositioning maneuvers